David Taylor currently lives in Fort Collins, Colorado. His obsession with fabric began at an early age, salvaging tiny scraps from his mother's sewing area trash bin. He started creating on her sewing machine by age 10. After college, he began a 25-year career in graphic design. In 2009, he left his job at an advertising agency, started teaching applique and quilting, and never looked back. His first quilt design was in 1999, collaborating on a fundraiser project for Strings Music Festival in Steamboat Springs, CO, with friend Madeleine Vail. Madeleine encouraged him to keep after it. His teaching adventures have taken him around the globe and his quilted artworks hang in numerous private collections.
3402E Creating Sweet and Simple Appliqué Motifs
5602E Layered, Pictorial Hand Appliqué: Sweet Pea